When To Hire A Dating Expert

Do you value your time and your emotional well-being? 

If so, then it might be time to consider a matchmaker or dating coach.

Dating apps can give us headaches, and friends and family consistently bug single people about when they’re going to settle down.That’s not fun in and of itself - let alone the existential uncertainty of being single.

If you’re ready to stop messing around and take an honest approach to improving your dating game, then you’re in the right place.

Why Hire a Dating Coach or Matchmaker?

First you spend time swiping on the apps. Maybe you’re on 2 or 3 apps - let’s say you spend 20 minutes per day swiping, but that’s probably low-balling it. 

That was just swiping, but now you have matches that you need to message. Maybe you have older matches that you’re trying to have conversations with. 

You write out a message and decide it’s not right so you delete it and start over. By the time you’re done with messaging, you’ve now spent another 1-2 hours per day messing around in the apps.

What if you could just skip that process and go straight to a date with someone that has already been vetted for you? 

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

Do Matchmakers Help You With Dating Advice? 

The time and effort we described in getting a date set up via the apps doesn’t even cover the important part: what happens when you go on that elusive date.

It’s Friday, the date night is here. You spend a good hour getting ready, leave on time so you’re not late, you’re only meeting for drinks so this shouldn’t be too bad. You then spend the next couple of hours getting to know each other only to find out you have nothing in common. 

Or they don’t look like their pictures. Or they failed to mention they were only looking for a situationship and nothing long term. Or, or, or…I can give you 100 reasons why that date could fail. 

A dating coach or matchmaker will work to make sure you have early compatible traits with your date, and they’ll ensure you don’t get ghosted or catfished.

Is a Dating Coach Worth it?

When trying to decide whether you should hire a matchmaker near you, consider the following breakdown of your time:

  • 1 hr.  per day swiping

  • 1-2 hrs per day messaging

  • 1 hour getting ready

  • 2 hours minimum on a date

This means you’ve spent 6 hours on one date with nothing guaranteed. What is that 6 hours worth to you? Does this feel more like a job than fun?

Dating should never feel like a job. By the time you get to date night you’re exhausted. There’s a ton of pressure to make that date work because you’ve now invested 6 hours of your week to meeting this person. 

Hire a Professional Matchmaker to Get Better Dates

Why spend time and energy doing a job you’re not an expert at? 

Hiring a professional means you get your time back. The expert does the work for you so that you can simply have fun on a date that you know you have common interests with. A matchmaker’s entire job is to be sure they send you on dates with people who share similar goals and won’t waste your time. 

So I ask you again - when do you say enough is enough and hire a dating expert to help you? When dating becomes a job. Outsource that job to a professional matchmaker and delete your dating apps for good. 


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