5 Ways To Mend Your Broken Heart

Breakups are hard. No matter how much support you get from friends and family, they are still difficult to heal from. So, what do you do when you have a broken heart that just won’t mend? Here are 5 ways to rejuvenate yourself and get back on track.

heal your heart and get over your ex

Have a Day of Relaxation -

This is going to look different for everyone but here are some ideas. You could get a massage, have a spa day, or simply curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. Decide what relaxation looks like to you and let yourself indulge in it. The whole day. Don’t think about work or feel guilty for taking “me” time. When it comes to self care your body and soul need to have some quiet time in order to keep giving to the job and the people we love.

Get Fresh Air -

Whether you live somewhere that is warm or freezing right now, going outside for some fresh air can help clear your head. Walk around the block, go for a hike, play in the snow, or take a beach walk, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re getting some fresh air. Try to leave the phone at home and let your mind clear of all your worries. Focus on your breathing and potentially the traffic if you’re walking the block (we don’t want you walking into traffic because you’re walking and meditating). Maybe stop for a minute or two and listen to the natural sounds around you. Appreciate everything you hear, smell, and see.

Socialize With Friends or Family -

Surrounding yourself with love and support will help you to find peace and move on. This doesn’t mean hanging with people who are going to bash on your ex the entire time. Believe it or not, that's not very productive for healing. Ask your friends to not let you talk about the ex so the focus is on you and the fun you’re having.

Journaling -

Journal 1x per day to release your feelings about your ex. This is the only time during the day that you will allow yourself to think about them. Get yourself a rubber-band to wear around your wrist and snap it in the inner part of your hand every time you think about them outside your journaling time. Obsessively daydreaming or analyzing about the past keeps us stuck in the past and we want to move forward. Focus on what you want, not what you had. Which brings us to the last suggestion.

Know What You Want -

Make a list of the things you want in your future. List all of the wonderful traits you’ll find in a new partner and allow yourself to envision what that looks like. You are creating a new and healthy relationship to attract into your life. Look to the future and let the past be in the past. We learn from our past, we don’t repeat our past. Trust yourself to find love again and know that you WILL feel happiness again.

If you’d like to learn more about powerful principles for finding lasting happiness in a relationship, check out our guide to dating: Get The Girl 


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