How NOT to be Single This Valentine’s Day

It’s easy to see why Valentine’s Day can be hard for singles. Friends with dates boast about their dinner plans, or weekend getaway trips, or even the jewelry they get from their partner. For once, you want what they have. 

There's no shame in being alone, but there’s also nothing wrong with wanting to have someone’s hand to hold (at a minimum) this Valentine’s Day. Connection is a key element to healthy relationships, and holidays are great times to express our appreciation for each other.

You don’t have to feel left out this year - but you have to make moves. If you want to change the course of your dating life, it’s time to be honest with yourself - and the people you want to be with. 

Is it OK to be Single on Valentine’s Day?

Being alone is ok; in fact, being alone doesn’t have to feel lonely. This could be a special opportunity to celebrate YOU. Take yourself out to a fancy dinner, get dressed up, buy yourself that watch or bracelet you’ve always wanted and celebrate the amazing person you are today. I’m sure it’s taken a lot of effort for you to be so awesome, so why not celebrate that? 

To make it perfectly clear: it’s ok to be single on Valentine’s Day. It also is reasonable to want to share a special day of love with someone else. There are no one-size-fits-all rules for Valentine’s Day.

How to Win at Being Single on Valentine’s Day

It’s completely understandable wanting to be with someone on one of the most romantic days of the year. For an entire month leading up to it, you are seeing hearts and love everywhere you look. No relationship is better than a bad relationship - I know because I’ve been there.

However, if you want to find a date, go out, or be intimate on this day, then here are some suggestions for you to make this Valentine’s Day be super-special as a single person:

  1. Call a friend to go out with or host a singles’ dinner party:

    Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you don’t get to  celebrate this day of love. Find some peeps you love and celebrate it together. If you love getting a box of chocolates then you can exchange them with a friend. Make a deal to do a little gift exchange and then head out to a fun dinner together. Love is to be shared with everyone, not just intimate partners.

  2. Get on more than one dating app:

    You still have time - if going on a romantic date is a priority, then you can still make that happen. Sign up on multiple dating sites and start  chatting. But here’s the key: you have to be honest with them.

    If you are setting up a date for Valentine’s Day, be honest of why you’re doing that. Statistically speaking, most relationships that begin on Valentine’s Day don’t last long. It’s too much pressure for most people - but it’s not impossible.

  3. Get together with your FWB:

    This typically works best if you already have an established friend with benefits - this isn’t the day to start one. If your FWB is also not doing anything, then you can plan together. Having that physical touch can ease the sense of loneliness - win/win for you and them!

  4. Cook dinner for a couple that inspires you:

    Find a couple in your life that really inspires you. It might be your parents, grandparents, neighbors, but help them celebrate by making it special for them. You can cook your favorite meal, set the mood with candles and soft music and then leave. Doing something special for others can really warm our hearts and make us feel loved. And feeling loved is the point here.

How to Get a Date For Valentine’s Day Every Year

If you want a relationship for next year’s Valentine’s Day, then start getting real about your dating behaviors. If it’s not working for you now then it’s not going to work next year either. Doing more of what doesn’t work isn’t going to magically change the results. Change your dating behavior patterns and you will start dating the right people.

Be open to new possibilities and new adventures. Take a course, hire a coach, get a matchmaker - take some steps towards changing the way you date. Learn how to be a better you so you can attract the right person for any date you want.


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