7 Ways to Say ‘I love you’ Without Dropping the L Bomb

Not quite ready to tell your partner that you love them? I don’t blame you! 

But this isn’t about when it’s the right time to say it – that’s a post for another day. Today, we’re going to teach you how to express strong feelings without dropping the scary word.

So if you’re not ready for the L word but want to show your partner the appreciation they deserve, start taking notes. Let’s call these 7 ways to say “I really like you”.  Does that feel more comfortable? 

Good, let’s get started.

7 Ways You Can Express Love Without Saying The Word

1.“I love your body.”

I’m assuming here, but if you’re at that phase of the relationship where sex is on the table then I am hoping you like your partner’s naked ass - or how they look in a cute outfit. So let’s let them know that! We all have flaws and often struggle with negative body image,so letting someone know that you appreciate their body can help when you’re feeling vulnerable.

2. “I believe in you.”

Whether it’s business-related, friendship-related, or family-related, it doesn’t matter what the subject is. While #1 was about attraction toward your partner, this one is about having faith in them, too.

“I believe in you.”

Four very powerful words to say to anyone you care about. Supporting your partner will drive them to do better, be better, and strive for more. Having you in their corner will give them the strength they need to power through any challenge.

3. “That’s ok, no big deal.”

Say it and mean it. You need to decide how important certain things are to the success of your relationship. If it’s something important to you, then don’t use this phrase. But if your partner forgot that you don’t like peppers on your pizza and you know it won’t kill you to pick them off, then here you go! They may feel bad that they forgot, but you’re telling them that it’s ok to not remember everything. We make mistakes; we are all human.

4. “You complete me.”

It’s a cliché, I know, but come on - who doesn’t like to hear that? Don’t worry if Jerry Maguire used it first; it’s definitely a higher-end compliment that is very close to saying “I love you.”
So while it’s not for everyone, if your partner likes cheesy compliments, why not give them that satisfaction?

5. “I can’t believe you’re mine.”

Know your audience on this one. While it’s not as committal as the previous comment, it can be mistaken as ownership. A strong independent woman (like myself) may not find this endearing. But there are definitely variations to this, such as: “I can’t believe you’re dating me”. Which leads us directly to our next positive affirmation.

6. “I love spending time with you.”

This is one of my faves. This can be used at ANY point in the dating phase. If using the word ‘love’ feels too strong, then you can swap it out for ‘like’. Everyone likes being told their company is desired, and it can even be a way to get the word ‘love’ in play without making it awkward.

7. “I appreciate you.”

You can elaborate on this, but even if you leave it ambiguous, that’s ok. Who doesn’t like being appreciated? It’s simple, it’s direct, and it’s always appreciated. As are you!

When is it Time to Say “I Love You”?

There is no hard and fast rule around saying “I love you” to your partner. I wish I could give you the magic time frame or have an answer that tells you for sure when to do it.

There is no one-size-fits-all plan when it comes to relationships - but I give cover topics like these in my programming. If specificity is what you seek then book a call, and let’s see if we can't get you into that successful relationship you deserve. 


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