5 Reasons Men Break Up With Women They Love

He loves you, but still dumped you - how can that be?

He loves me. He loves me not. He loves...

He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves…

It is soul-crushing when your partner has dumped you, but you think he still loves you. Why would a guy give up on your relationship? 

You’re wondering what happened, what went wrong; what could you have done differently? It might not be your fault, and here are some common reasons why:

  • Sex life decrease

  • Suffocation

  • Being forced to change

  • Comparison

  • Rejection

Do any of these resonate with you? We’re guessing yes. Read below to see how and why these issues manifest, and how to safeguard from them in future relationships.

Why Do Men Leave Women they Love?

1. They feel suffocated

Did he tell you that he was feeling suffocated by you? Maybe you thought you were giving him enough space. Men and women are so different in how they want to be treated in a relationship - it’s often the number one reason for failure within the first 3-5 months.

Women typically want more time together, and men want freedom. His freedom might be the most important thing to him, and if you infringe on that, then he might choose it over the relationship.

2. Sex life decreases

If you started out all hot and heavy and now you’re only having sex on Saturday nights, you better believe that is a good enough reason for him to break up with you. To be clear, PLENTY of women have been dumped over loss of a sex life. I personally think the tables are starting to turn on this belief of how much sex men want vs. how much women want, especially as they age. However, the point of this article is to talk about why men dump women they love.

So, yes, if he has a healthy appetite for sex and it has seriously decreased then chances are he needs to be with a partner that shares his sexual drive. Sex in itself can really affect a relationship in ways other than just frequency - including exploration, styles, and procedures.

3. You’re trying to fix him

Men often hate when women try to fix them. This is ironic, because men are natural fixers. For example, you come home complaining about a coworker, and you just want him to have a sympathetic ear, but he’s trying to come up with ways to fix it so you can get along. Men have ‘fix it’ brains, it allows them to focus on tasks different from women and sometimes it's good but not when the tables turn. You can’t fix your man. He needs to WANT to change. Men can change. They often change for a relationship without even realizing it - it just needs to be intrinsically motivated.

4. He’s tired of being compared to other men

Do you talk about past relationships too much? Or point out hotties on the TV? If he isn’t feeling your profound attraction to him AND you’re talking about other men, then it’s likely his self esteem is taking a hit. And we all know men do not like feelings of low self esteem. The male ego is not one to mess with. It doesn’t matter if you are talking about a man that you clearly will never meet, he is comparing himself to that guy. He is thinking that the other dude is the type of man you truly desire. That you will eventually realize he is not that HOT guy you talk about and therefore will leave him. Men do not like feeling rejected, which brings us to number five.

5. He’s feeling rejected

For whatever reason, he feels rejected by you - and it’s time for him to leave before you leave him. Again, the male ego is not one to mess with. He will assess the little things you do and assume future outcomes. For example, if you’re having a stressful day, and overreact to something minor he does, he will assume that next time your reaction will be even greater. Remember - men aren’t talkers. They don’t want to sit around drinking wine talking about their feelings for you. They are doers and showers. He won’t express to you that he started feeling rejected. Hell, he may not even be able to put his feelings into words. But he will want out of the relationship before he is the one who gets hurt.

Learn How to Stop Getting Broken Up With

This isn’t 5-reasons-to-male-bash, but let’s be real: if you can better understand your man then you can be the one to take the reins and drive the relationship to success. This also doesn’t mean that you can win him back - but you can learn at a minimum.

Sure there are a lot of coaches out there telling women they can win back their man by using techniques like the ‘hero instinct’. But sometimes, there isn’t anything you can do to change the outcome. Hopefully you can get a little closure and move forward in life.

If your ex eventually realizes that you were the perfect woman and he was an absolute idiot for letting you go, and you really want him back, then great - you’ve won! Otherwise, learn a lesson or two and move on to a quality man that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated.


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