Flirting With Style: Master the Art of the Five Different Flirting Styles

You're ready to up your flirting - but how do you level up your game?

Don't worry, sweetie, I've got enough to feed the needy.

Let's break down the five flirting styles and see which one suits you best.

The Physical Flirt

This style is all about touchy-feely actions. You like to get up-close and personal with your crush, whether it's through playful arm touches, hugs, or even some harmless teasing. If you're a physical flirt, be sure to respect body language and make sure they're comfortable with the situation.

Here’s some example of physical flirting:

  • A playful push or nudge as a reaction.

  • Resting your hand on your crush's knee or thigh while sitting close to them.

  • Brushing someone’s hair away from their face.

  • High-fiving or fist-bumping them in a playful way.

  • Playing footsie under the table during a date.

  • Holding their hand while walking together.

  • Giving someone a playful tickle.

  • Touching their arm or shoulder when talking to them. 

Remember, physical flirting should be done in a respectful and consensual manner. Even more important - don’t force it just for the sake of it. Sometimes, it’s sexier to hold back or to use other tactics.

The Playful Flirt

You're the life of the party, and your flirting style reflects that. You like to make people laugh and have a good time. Your sense of humor can be your biggest asset, so don't be afraid to crack a joke or two to break the ice. 

Consider these: 

  • Telling a topical joke on a date.

  • Suggesting a casual game or bet in a social situation.

  • Using playful nicknames or terms of endearment.

  • Making playful expressions

  • Winking, smiling, or sultry looks.

  • Creating inside jokes or shared experiences.

Just like physical flirting, this style requires you to read the room. If you’re making jokes or playful suggestions over and over and getting shut down, you might need to reconsider your attempts.

The Sincere Flirt

You can wear your heart on your sleeve and still flirt effectively. If you're not afraid to show your vulnerability, you can be a great friend and listener - which tons of people value.

Try these sincere flirting tips:

  • Listening actively when they talk and responding thoughtfully.

  • Complimenting in a genuine and specific way. For example, tell them how much you appreciate their kindness or how much you love their sense of humor.

  • Asking  meaningful questions about their interests, hobbies, and goals.

  • Sharing your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences in an open and honest way.

  • Making an effort to remember important details about someone

  • Showing interest in their passions and hobbies, and even participating in them together.

  • Offering genuine and heartfelt compliments, such as telling your crush how beautiful or handsome they look.

  • Being vulnerable and expressing your true feelings to your crush.

Too many of these sincere gestures can be a little much (depending on where you are in the flirting process) - but don’t let that stop you from letting your kind personality shine!

The Traditional Flirt

You're a classic romantic at heart and your flirting style can reflect that. You enjoy the old-school ways of courtship, like opening doors and bringing flowers.

Here are some other ways to flirt traditionally:

  • Dressing your best for hang-outs or dates

  • Bringing up topics related to romance, such as love stories, poetry, or classic movies.

  • Writing love letters or notes to express your feelings in a more romantic way.

  • Planning and organizing traditional romantic dates, such as dinner at a fancy restaurant or a walk in the park.

  • Offering to pay for your date’s meal.

  • Using body language to convey your interest, such as maintaining eye contact, smiling, and standing up straight.

This style of flirting is no longer the most common style, but it is one of the easier styles to identify. Simply put, it’s masculine energy forward. The belief of the traditional flirt is that the person with the masculine energy makes the first move, sets the tone of the date and the flirting. 

The Polite Flirt

This is the hardest style to recognize. You're all about manners and your flirting style reflects that. Just be sure to balance your politeness with a bit of playfulness so your crush doesn't think you're too uptight.

Seeing this the most difficult style to identify, I’m going to give more in-depth examples:

  • Compliments: Giving sincere compliments to the person you are interested in is a great way to start flirting. You can compliment them on their appearance, their intelligence, their sense of humor, or anything else that you find attractive about them. Example: "You have a great sense of humor. I always look forward to our conversations."

  • Asking questions: Asking the person you are interested in questions about their interests, hobbies, or career can show that you are genuinely interested in getting to know them. Example: "I heard that you love hiking. What's your favorite trail in this area?"

  • Listening: Paying attention to the person you are interested in and actively listening to what they have to say is a crucial aspect of flirting. It shows that you value their thoughts and opinions. Example: "I completely understand what you mean. That's a great point."

  • Gentle teasing: Playful teasing can be a fun way to show your interest in someone and build a rapport. Just make sure that your teasing is gentle and not mean-spirited. Example: "I can't believe you don't like chocolate! That's just crazy to me."

  • Using body language: Using nonverbal cues such as maintaining eye contact, smiling, and leaning in can help convey your interest in someone. Example: Smiling and maintaining eye contact while saying, "It's really nice to spend time with you."

Now that you know the five flirting styles, it's time to put them into action. Don't be afraid to experiment and try different styles until you find the one that works best for you.

And remember, flirting is all about having fun and making a connection, so don't take it too seriously. Good luck, love, you got this!


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