3 Signs He’s Into You

Ever wonder if your dude is really interested in you or if he’s just passing the time? During this time it’s hard to tell if people are just simply lonely and willing to settle or if they are genuinely interested.

Here are 3 simple ways to know if he is truly interested in you.

1. He wants to impress you with his accomplishments.

If your guy likes to talk about himself that might be a sign that he’s into you. I know, you want him to ask questions about you, and that is how you are measuring his level of interest. But I hate to break it to you ladies, he is talking about himself so that you walk away feeling impressed by him. In a way, this is his peacocking but it’s just for you and not a show for everyone. Typical peacocking is when people dress to impress, they use their outer “shell” to show off a bit. But in this sense he is trying to fluff his feathers of accomplishments for you to be impressed and want him even more.

2. He fears being rejected by you.

If you’re making your man nervous it’s because he’s afraid you’ll eventually reject him. All of his life he has gotten used to women rejecting him for one reason or another. Even the hottest dudes have been rejected. Courtship has typically been initiated by men. If you reject him and he doesn’t care then he was never invested in you, and you should move on to someone who does care about you.

If he likes you then he is invested, and he will be nervous about screwing up. Seeing that men and women communicate differently, it’s easy to mess things up in the beginning if one or both of you aren’t good communicators. Help him out a bit, try to see things from his perspective and understand his communication style. He’s trying his best to not mess things up.

3. He texts you.

Yep, that simple. He wants to talk to you. He wants to see you. He is telling you that he is thinking about you. It might not be the most engaging conversation but he is simply telling you that you are on his mind. That’s a great sign! Is it everything you wanted? Maybe not. It’s possible he isn’t great at texting. Men are not the best multi-taskers, and it can be challenging especially during work hours, for him to maintain a conversation and complete his work. But he will reach out in one way or another during the day to say hi.

So the next time you’re wondering if the guy you’re dating is into you, consider these 3 simple factors. Does it mean you’re heading for a happy, healthy relationship? Um, no. Just because he likes you doesn’t mean it will be a good relationship for you.

For more about relationships stay tuned…next week is attachment style week and that will tell you if you are destined to be together or doomed to fail.

‘Til next time,

Keep Dating Smarter



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